At long last I've got a website up!

Imagine the possibilities... a design service with an actual web presence! You'd think that I'd have done this before, but I guess that I just never managed to get around to it. Oh, I've spent hours tinkering in Photoshop behind the scenes, putting together my dream site, but actually getting to the point where I had something to put online and in a workable format took time.

But I decided that there were no more excuses. Just because I don't do back-end web design is no longer an excuse. So I hopped online and cheated. That's right, CHEATED! Everyone assumes that just because you're a designer you can build web sites... and in its simplest form I can. But to build a site with a solid structure that has a hope of being indexed by Google, doesn't take too long to load, and just works, it takes a bit more knowledge. So I browsed the wonderful entity known as the world wide web and got myself a template. Presto! I finally had a base for the site and from there it was a small bit a tweaking to my original design and I have a starting point.

 I plan to build on the site and to expand it, but for now its a start.

So if you haven't seen my work yet, jump straight to the portfolio.